Nashville Democrat State Rep. Brenda Gilmore Opposed Illegal Immigration Ten Years Ago

Tennessee Star

Prior to being elected as a Democrat to represent Davidson County’s 54th district in the Tennessee General Assembly, State Rep. Brenda Gilmore (D-Nashville) served on the Metro Council of Nashville and Davidson County from 1999-2007.

During her last year serving on the Metro Council, Gilmore sponsored Resolution No.RS2007-1753, “A Resolution requesting Senator Lamar Alexander, Senator Bob Corker and the Davidson County Congressional Delegation to introduce and support comprehensive legislation to address illegal immigration issues.”

Gilmore cited the following concerns justifying her resolution:

“WHEREAS, due to its abundance of construction-related jobs, the Nashville area has become a magnet for illegal immigrants in recent years; and

WHEREAS, the rising cost of providing government services to illegal immigrants is having a tremendous negative impact on our state and local government; and

WHEREAS, as a result of the increasing number of criminal offenders arrested in Nashville that are undocumented aliens, Davidson County Sheriff Daron Hall recently gained approval from the federal government for Nashville’s participation in the 287(g) program, which will provide enhanced communication and cooperation between federal immigration authorities and local law enforcement to help identify and initiate deportation proceedings on criminal illegal immigrants; and

WHEREAS, recent polls have documented the public’s frustration with the federal government’s lack of enforcement of immigration laws and the public’s desire for serious immigration reform; and

WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper that the United States Congress and the Tennessee General Assembly take whatever action is necessary to control the problem of illegal immigration.”

The Resolution was adopted by all members present without any no votes being recorded.

Ten years later, State Sen. Mark Green and State Rep. Tilman Goins introduced SB155/HB271 to the Tennessee General Assembly early this session, a bill that responds to many of the same concerns expressed by Gilmore in 2007 regarding illegal immigration.

If SB155/HB271 makes it to the floor of the Tennessee House this session, The Tennessee Star will report on whether Gilmore votes for or against the bill.


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2 Thoughts to “Nashville Democrat State Rep. Brenda Gilmore Opposed Illegal Immigration Ten Years Ago”

  1. […] Gilmore’s mother, Brenda Gilmore during her last year as a Metro Council member, introduced a resolution opposing illegal immigration. Her resolution supported the sheriff’s partnership with federal immigration authorities and […]

  2. Wolf Woman

    well, if Brenda Gilmore was worried about illegal aliens taking jobs from Nashvillians, by undercutting their wages back then, she should be in world of hurt now.
